Live Music Television is very pleased to present a tasty filmed music video of Dustin Arbuckle & The Damnations for their song titled Say My Name. The video was filmed at The Cotillion in Wichita, Kansas by Lonny Quattlebaum with the audio recorded and mixed by Torin Andersen.
Please click the play button of the video below and choose the
high-resolution & full screen options. When this music video ends,
it will automatically be followed by hours of excellent music videos.
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Dustin Arbuckle & The Damnations - Say My Name
Connect direct with Dustin Arbuckle & The Damnations at DustinArbuckleDamnations.Com, Instagram.com/dustinarbuckledamnations and Facebook.com/dustinarbucklemusic
The Indies: TheIndies.Com
The Quiet Storm: TheQuietStorm.Com
X Music TV (for mature audiences): XMusicTV.Com
Classic Music Television: ClassicMusicTelevision.Com
Dancentricity: Dancentricity.Com
The Record Store: TheRecordStore.Com
MusicLoad: MusicLoad.Com
Photo credit at top of this post by Jerry Cadieux