Elise Trouw - Unraveling (live)

Live-Music-Television presents a live filmed recording of Elise Trouw and her song titled Unraveling. Photograph by Kirk Stauffer

Live-Music-Television is proud to present a filmed live performance of 18 year old drummer, singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Elise Trouw performing with her trio at The Loft at University California San Diego. The trio includes guitarist Alan Mackelburg and bassist Peter Eichar. The video was shot by Scott Lehman and Josh Pallag with the audio recording by Scott Lehman.

Elise Trouw - Unraveling (live)

Connect direct with Elise Trouw at EliseTrouw.com, Facebook.com/elisetrouwmusic, Instagram.com/elisetrouw and Twitter.com/EliseTrouw

Thank you to Kirk Stauffer for granting permission to use the photo at the top of this post. Connect direct with Kirk at KRStauffer.com and at Flickr.com/photos/kirkstauffer 

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