In The Woods Barn Session with Lianne La Havas

The authentic & real deal artist, Lianne La Havas, is no stranger to this page. She routinely holds multiple positions on the MusicTelevision.Com and sister site MusicLoad.Com Top 10 Most Viewed Posts chart. She has a most beautiful and uniquely soulful voice

Just below is a wonderful recording she did for "In The Woods Barn Session", which is an ongoing series of filmed musical recordings featuring a variety of artists captured by the Laurel Collective in the U.K.

Lianne La Havas performs Twice (a Little Dragon Cover)

Connect direct with Lianne La Havas at LianneLaHavas.Com, Facebook.Com/LianneLaHavas and Instagram.Com/LianneLaHavas

See more videos by Lianne La Havas at the links below: